Tag Archives: scorpio

Navigating the Intensity: Scorpio Full Moon in Taurus Season


Welcome to Moon Magic Monday! Tomorrow is the Pink Full Moon! And it’s going to be intense, so let’s talk about it.

As we embrace the transformative energy of the Scorpio Full Moon during the grounding influence of Taurus season, we find ourselves at a powerful intersection of stability and intensity. This celestial event invites us to delve deep into the depths of our emotions while remaining rooted in the practicality and steadfastness of Taurus. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of the Scorpio Full Moon in Taurus season, uncover the history of the Pink Moon, and provide five journal prompts to guide you through this potent lunar phase.

History of the Pink Moon:

The Pink Moon, also known as the Full Flower Moon, is named after the pink wildflowers, known as phlox, that bloom during this time of year in North America. It is the first Full Moon of spring and symbolizes renewal, growth, and abundance.

Contrary to its name, the Pink Moon does not actually appear pink in the sky. Instead, it derives its name from the vibrant pink flowers that blanket the landscape during this season. The Pink Moon holds significance in various cultural and spiritual traditions, representing a time of fertility, blossoming, and new beginnings.

Scorpio Full Moon in Taurus:

The Scorpio Full Moon occurs when the Sun is in Taurus, the earthy sign of stability and material abundance, while the Moon is in Scorpio, the watery sign of transformation and intensity. This cosmic alignment creates a potent blend of energies, inviting us to confront our deepest desires, fears, and emotions with courage and determination.

Scorpio’s influence encourages us to delve beneath the surface and explore the hidden realms of our psyche. It is a time for deep introspection, shadow work, and emotional healing. Under the light of the Scorpio Full Moon, we are called to release what no longer serves us and embrace transformation on both a personal and collective level.

Meanwhile, Taurus lends its grounding energy, reminding us to stay rooted in our values, desires, and sense of self-worth. Taurus encourages us to cultivate stability, security, and practicality in our lives, even amidst the intensity of Scorpio’s emotional depths.

Journal Prompts for Reflection:

  1. What emotions or fears have been bubbling beneath the surface that I need to confront and release?
  2. How can I harness the transformative energy of the Scorpio Full Moon to manifest my deepest desires and intentions?
  3. In what areas of my life do I need to cultivate greater stability, security, and self-worth, as symbolized by Taurus?
  4. What aspects of my life are ready to bloom and flourish, like the wildflowers of the Pink Moon?
  5. How can I honor the cycles of renewal and growth represented by the Pink Moon in my own spiritual practice and daily life?

As we navigate the intensity of the Scorpio Full Moon during Taurus season and honor the cycles of renewal and growth embodied by the Pink Moon, may we embrace the transformative energies at play and cultivate greater stability, self-awareness, and emotional resilience in our lives. Through reflection, introspection, and connection with the natural world, we can harness the potent energies of this lunar phase to manifest our deepest desires and embrace the fullness of our being.

If you are interested in my free Full Moon Journal drop your email in the comments (I promise not to spam you – only the journal)