Revealing What Is In The Shadows


Welcome to Oracle Thursday. Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards by Izzy Ivy, is the deck I’ll be highlighting over the next couple of weeks.

Not only is the artwork beautiful, I love the feel of it. From the introduction…

Welcome to the realm of Lemuria, a magical place infused with an abundance of life-force energy, fertile lands, lush rainforest, crystalline waterfalls and beings who so gracefully dance with the tides of nature and the ebb and flow of life. There is no scarcity as all that is required can be created at will. In essence, Lemuria is an elevated state of being… a dreaming that sees beyond the dream. 

We will spend the next five to six weeks exploring this deck. 

Each week, I’ll pull a card at random. I may at the end of the series highlight a few that spoke the loudest to me. 

For this week, I pulled She of The Lotus card number 43. 

Isn’t she beautiful? And speaking volumes?

When I ever I pull a card, especially from a deck I’m not overly familiar with, I spend a few minutes just studying it.

The first thing I was drawn to was the green of her skin. Not in a weird way but in a beauty of nature thing. A time to grow.

Second, was the swirling beams around rays of light from the center. With stars shimmering into view.

Third are her eyes. I’m being seen.

When I looked up the card it’s meaning aligned with what I felt drawn to. It’s a card of shadow work, loving yourself back to wholeness. The lotus grows in murky waters.

Let’s look at shadow work. It is a profound journey of self-discovery, delving into the recesses of our subconscious mind to uncover hidden beliefs, fears, and desires. Through this process, we confront our “shadow” aspects—the parts of ourselves that we often suppress or deny. Tarot, with its rich symbolism and introspective power, can be a valuable tool for navigating the complexities of shadow work. In this blog post, we’ll explore what shadow work is, its importance, and five potent journal prompts paired with tarot cards to aid you on your transformative journey.

Understanding Shadow Work:

Why is shadow work important? Because when we ignore or suppress our shadow, it tends to exert influence over our lives in unconscious ways. Patterns of self-sabotage, recurring conflicts in relationships, and unexplained emotional reactions often stem from unacknowledged aspects of our shadow. By shining light on these hidden corners of ourselves, we reclaim our power and create space for healing and transformation.

Journal Prompts:

Like with my Tarot Tuesday post, I’m going to offer a few journal prompts. If you do not have the deck, look at the card at the top of the post.

  1. What aspect of myself am I currently avoiding or denying? Like the lotus growing from the murky waters to a thing of beauty, what is hidden in your murky waters? Journal about the feelings or thoughts that arise when you contemplate what you might be avoiding within the murky waters of yourself. Allow the imagery of the card to guide your exploration into the shadows.

2. What recurring patterns or behaviors in my life may be linked to my shadow? How might these patterns be connected to aspects of your shadow? Write about any insights or realizations that emerge.

3. What past experiences or traumas continue to influence my present behavior? Consider any past experiences or traumas that still hold power over you. How do they shape your beliefs, fears, or reactions in the present? Use the imagery of the card to explore the process of breaking down these barriers.

4. What aspects of myself do I judge or criticize the most? Think about the parts of yourself that you often criticize or judge harshly. What underlying beliefs or fears might be fueling this self-criticism? Journal about ways you can offer compassion and acceptance to these aspects of your being.

5. What hidden desires or talents am I afraid to acknowledge and pursue? The stars symbolizes hope, inspiration, and guidance. Reflect on any dreams, passions, or talents that you’ve kept hidden or suppressed. What fears or doubts prevent you from embracing these aspects of yourself? Write about how you can nurture and cultivate these hidden desires with courage and authenticity.

Shadow work is not always easy or comfortable, but it is an essential part of the journey toward self-awareness and wholeness. By bravely confronting our shadow aspects with the aid of tarot and journaling, we embark on a path of deep healing and transformation. May this guide serve as a beacon of light as you navigate the depths of your psyche and emerge into greater authenticity and self-love.

If you have something else that speaks to you about this card, I’d love to hear about it.

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  1. Pingback: The Symbolism of Dragonflies and Bubbles | Tasarla Romaney

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